Make submissions
Submissions from individuals and public and private institutions are now closed.
For more information on upcoming phases of the Inquiry, please see the Inquiry schedule here.

What's next
Thank you for your submissions. The call for submissions closed on March 31, 2022. The Commissioner will be relying on what she hears from community during the Inquiry to inform the Inquiry final report and recommendations. Recommendations are expected in early 2023.
If you have any questions about submissions, please email
Hate in the pandemic
The Inquiry arose out of the significant increase in reported hate-related incidents, including online incidents in British Columbia, since the start of the pandemic in early 2020. The Inquiry is focused on hate in all its forms, not only racism and racial hate. For the purposes of this Inquiry, “hate incidents” are actions and speech rooted in prejudice that, in the view of the person who experiences or witnesses it, are:
- aimed at a person or a group of people because of their actual or perceived individual, collective or intersecting characteristics including age, disability, gender expression or identity, ethnicity, Indigenous identity, place of origin, race, immigration status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and social condition, and
- intended to, or does, significantly dehumanize, humiliate, degrade, injure, silence and/or victimize the targeted individual or group.
More information about the Inquiry is available in the terms of reference.